New Orleans Blues


Another brilliant work of art, Per-Inge.
You always engage the mind of the viewer, not just the eyes.
You have added colors that give this scene a sense of hope amidst the turmoil and despair. That is quite a feat, you talented man. 
Superior work of art! 

Beautiful Mind:
PI - This is really stunning! The ocean and death engulfing an entire icon of a musical history. It speaks right to the heart of the destruction, and to the very depths of it's meaning to the this city. This is "blues" to the very depths of the soul.
Beautifully "spoken" and felt! 

Sarah Solie:
Love his face and hands.
It looks like he will do anything to save this guitar. 

This hits home.My mother went through Katrina.
In this, I see the human spirit trying to salvage everything that matters most. Life, while desperately trying to maintain dignity and identity. ( man dressed his in finest attire clinging to his prized posession) The chaos of man's world itself will try to drown out our essence that makes each of us unique. This work symbolizes both the metaphorical flood and reality of natural disasters. You captured this beautifully a most haunting reminder of how both fragile and strong we are or can be. 

Thank you so much for the picture, which is just as wonderful as the rest of your artwork. This one is so beautiful, though it's showing life when it is most unfair and full of desperat and hopeless feelings. Great work!